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"When I decided I wanted to look my best for my wedding last year I joined G77 Fitness for weekly PT sessions with Georgia and it was one of the best decisions I’ve made! At 40 I was worried about feeling self conscious in the gym and that I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goals… how little did I know. Georgia was such a motivation from day one, always there to help me keep on plan and boost my confidence. Within a few weeks I was stronger than I had ever been and I started to see a massive difference in my body shape, my mood also improved drastically and the perimenopausal brain fog I’d been suffering with lifted! I cannot recommend Georgia highly enough, she is kind and personable and has your back through every session and is your biggest cheerleader the whole way"

"I've been with Georgia just over a year and absolutely love our sessions. I do one session a week weights and one session boxing.
She is an amazing motivator and from someone who used to feel self conscious about the gym, I am absolutely love going now.
Since starting with Georgia my strength, confidence and overall fitness levels have improved massively and I can’t recommend her enough"

- Kim

- Hannah

- Hannah

- Hayley

- Lisa L

"My trainer, Georgia, is very personable and somehow makes working out fun! G77 go above and beyond to ensure each session is varied and leave you wanting more! If you’re looking for an awesome personal trainer then I can’t recommend G77 Fitness enough!"

"I highly recommend Georgia, she is a fantastic trainer. She is extremely approachable, makes each session varied, fun and enjoyable. And she continues to motivate you throughout the week by regular check-in’s and motivational challenges. Thanks Georgia!"

- Laura

- Michelle

"Georgia is amazing, she assists with every aspect of fitness, from PT, diet, lifestyle changes and helping keep her clients motivated with weekly challenges, daily and weekly check ins to track progress, advise on next steps and keep you accountable. She’s kind and supportive which can be hard to find in a Personal trainer, she’s also great at challenging her clients and ensuring we get the most out of each session. I highly recommend G77 fitness if you’re hoping to make some positive changes to your lifestyle the Georgia is your lady."

"I've Been having regular PT sessions with Georgia for almost a year now and she is patient and very knowledgeable and wants to help you with goals. she encourages and pushes which is brilliant. I highly recommend her. she's definitely helping me in my quest for strength and fitness post 60!!! thank you... keep it up Georgia!!"

- Sue

- Sarah

"I’ve been with Georgia since September 2023 and I’m so happy I sent the message as I’ve never looked back! I’m the lightest I’ve been since having children and dropped one almost two dress sizes with not just the training sessions but the additional support from Georgia and the app. If you’re looking for a trainer then I couldn’t recommend Georgia high enough"

"I have been having regular PT sessions with Georgia for over 6 months and I have definitely increased my fitness thanks to these sessions and the Monday night Ladies box fit. Each week the exercises vary and gradually the amount I can lift has increased. I also have fun too. Not only that but Georgia keeps in regular contact throughout the week and sets mini challenges to keep you motivated. I highly recommend G77 Fitness."

- Lisa

- Carina

"Georgia has been amazing since I started training with her. I finally took the leap and decided to train with Georgia back in August and I’m already noticing such a difference, not only in my diet but also in my strength when I’m at the gym. She really has helped me become more

confident in myself and get to losing a stone!! Highly recommend Georgia to anyone, she’s so supportive and always helping if you’re having a bad day"

" Georgia has been amazing! I was very nervous about starting to exercise again after having surgery and getting my mind back into working on myself and my goals. She made me feel at ease straight away and has been so supportive. She has been the best PT I have had. I highly recommend her!"

- Sadie

- Lucy

"Georgia is absolutely amazing. I have fibromyalgia and extremely painful benign tumours in my feet but she makes each session perfect whilst understanding what I can do and pushing me to achieve more. She’s so flexible as well which as a busy working mum to 3 children with additional needs this was very helpful! Honestly there is no one else that could get my butt out of bed at 6am. I moan and whine my way through every session. But Georgia is incredible and I love how I feel after each session! "

"Georgia has helped me with so much from training with good form to having a healthy relationship with food, I cannot recommend her enough"

- Felicity

- Lauren

"I would definitely recommend Georgia to anyone looking to make a physical, mental and nutritional change. She's supportive, kind and a real motivator. Her 1:1 personal training sessions are tailored to your needs and pitched at your level with enough challenge in there to make difference. The app and the group WhatsApps help you to stay motivated and focused, centred around support"

- Kirsty

I've been training with Georgia for more than a year now and couldn't recommend her and G77 fitness more! I started attending the boot camp sessions alongside her online coaching and have progressed to one to one pt sessions in the gym. Georgia is great at motivating me and encouraging me to work towards my goals. She's always so positive and happy even at our 6.30am pt sessions. If you are looking for someone to help you to get fitter then definitely get in touch with Georgia"

- Elaine

- Kirsty

- Elaine

"My son has been attending 1-2-1 boxing classes with Georgia for the last year and I honestly can't recommend her enough! The confidence, skill and fitness he has gained from his training with her has been amazing. She's really inspiring and encouraging and his growing confidence since starting secondary school has definetly improved due to his sessions with her, he loves going there to train once a week. Highly recommend Georgia, she's amazing!"

- Hayley

"Started with Georgia in October and the difference I feel is amazing. She really adapts to your needs. Always checks in with you regularly and helps with any advice and gives you a plan. I love how every time she mixes it up as it’s exciting not knowing what I’ll be doing. She’s so encouraging and really motivates you. She’s so flexible with times too. I can feel myself improving so much. Also the pricing is so good. It’s a huge value for money. Thank you Georgia, I look forward to every time I come (even if I choose an early morning slot)"

- Lisa L

I’ve been training with Georgia for 3 months now and I’m loving it so much. I was so scared to start exercising again after a long time off but she listened to exactly what I wanted and tailors each session to me. Her check ins and advice help keep me motivated. I’ve noticed such a huge difference in my mental health and stress levels and now it’s starting to show in my physique too. Can’t wait to see where I’ll be in another 3 months time!"

"I have been training with Georgia since October and I'm thoroughly enjoying it! She not only supports me with my physical fitness but also supports me with nutrition and challenges to help me stay motivated.  Motivation and consistency is something I have struggled with, so being set weekly challenges really helps me to maintain focus! Georgia is always offering her support and expertise, she is an absolute Gem!"

- Sarah

- Alessandrina

"Georgia has made me feel very comfortable coming into a gym as an older woman and is so encouraging and friendly. She pushes and motivates me to achieve the most I can. She is flexible over days and times and prices are not expensive. Georgia keeps in touch during the week and shares information on nutrition and eating advice with all her clients in a group which gives extra support. She has also provided me with an individual training plan that I can follow at home. I have seen a noticeable difference in my strength and fitness since starting a few months ago. Going to my PT session is now one of the highlights of my week! Thank you Georgia"

- Marion

"If you want a PT who leaves you alone and that never checks how you are inbetween sessions , or if you want a PT who is constantly taking photos of you while working out so they can update their instagram to look seemingly busy. If you want a PT who is constantly on their phone during your training rather then taking more of what you are doing or if you are even doing the exercise correctly then don't message Georgia! Georgia checks in daily on her team and even has a WhatsApp group where we all group together. Her phone is never in her hand during a session unless you ask her to take photos! She's forever checking my form and ensuring I am carrying out all my workouts correctly to avoid damage or injury to myself! She also tells you she will go easy on you and ease you back in when you've had time off...however this is a lie because she knows my limits and pushes them every time and I love it!! 5 star from me! Get in touch today!"

- Karen

"Georgia is absolutely fabulous. She will push you when needed, help you be/stay motivated and has built such a lovely G77 team. For anyone who fancies trying out getting results with a PT, I’d definitely give her a call."

- Rosie

"Since starting with Georgia my mindset to health and fitness has totally changed. Her support and encouragement is helping me to achieve my goals. Georgia is not pushy and on your case, she really understands you also need to live your life and enjoy what you eat etc. The weekly check ins and feedback keep me focused, it I also nice to be part of the community that Georgia has built with clients, encouraging each other and sharing ideas and goals."

- Kym

"I've been working with Georgia on and off for a couple of years she's the most motivational pt I've ever met she will always push to help you be the best you can be and checks in all the time which is really helpful for everything you do outside the gym and she will find time to talk to you if your struggling with anything"


"Georgia is amazing! She’s so dedicated to all of her clients & always puts them first. Georgia is knowledgeable and makes her sessions tailored to each client. She always checks in to see how you’re doing which I think is great. Nothing is ever a trouble for her. I would highly recommend Georgia to anyone looking for a PT"

- Steph

“Georgia has been absolutely amazing - she is so supportive and helpful. She gives great advice and has really changed the way I look at eating and exercise. She suited the exercises to what I had available and provided guidance on how to up my protein and logging/watching what I eat. I’m hoping I can continue on with what she’s taught me to carry on becoming healthier and fitter. Thank you so much"

- Amanda

"Georgia is such a motivator! Over the last 11 weeks I’ve been supported, encouraged and kept accountable. Georgia is so positive and puts a realistic spin on every situation. I’ve formed habits without realising that have been easy to maintain, seen great results but most importantly am the happiest in myself that I’ve ever felt. Thank you Georgia!"

- Tori

"Georgia is absolutely brilliant at teaching you and motivating you through exercise and the life style side of things too. Georgia has taught me how to use free weights and to lift weights that previously I would never have had the confidence to use. I also attend the boot camp classes and the occasional boxing class too. All of which are great fun while you are working hard too. Would 100% recommend Georgia to be your PT or exercise class hero!"

- Jane

"I’ve been having PT sessions with Georgia since October and I have seen big results both physically and mentally. I feel much more confident in the gym now and really enjoy the programme Georgia has set. I feel confident enough to lift in the gym alone so now we do weekly boxing sessions which I really enjoy. Georgia always checks in to see how I’m doing and is so supportive. Highly recommend!"

- Abbie

"I was stuck! Eating and not really exercising effectively! I saw a post for G77 and thought ‘I’ll message’ , I am so glad that I did. Georgia is not in your face, but is there everyday checking in to see how you are. She sets achievable but challenging goals - the grim run being an example. I would highly recommend G77 if you need that somebody who is going to motivate, care and help you get results. I look forward to the next challenge - possibly an inflatable paint run!!! Thank You Georgia."

- Linda

"Love my one to one sessions with G! She keeps me pushing and literally does not let me slack. It’s just what I need. Knows how to push me and where. We also do a one to one boxing session too and sometimes even lets me beat her up ! If your looking for someone who seriously cares about your health and fitness then get in touch! She’s my fave and our love our sessions! We are always laughing"

- Karen

"Georgia is great at motivation. I love her beliefs I
in not restricting your diet. I recently signed up to the 11 week challenge and I loved how often she checked in. She was always there when I needed help with diet or fitness questions. Would highly recommend"

- Sara

"Georgia has been really supportive and has helped me find my passion again for fitness. Checks in regularly to see how I'm doing and my progress. She has encouraged me to come out of my shell and helped me find my confidence. Makes specific plans to help my injuries but also pushes me to keep going. Very friendly, helpful and excellent PT"

- Clare

"Georgia has been training me and helping me lose weight and tone with our core focus on Boxing. We have been developing my boxing skills since the start of the year and she is absolutely f***ing amazing! She is supportive but will beast mode you all at the same time. My little pathetic waves (which is what I thought were punches) have been transformed into Award winning ‘Tyson Fury just sit down’ KO’s (She is just fab!)"

- Tash

"Loved doing the 11 week challenge with Georgia. I learnt so much under her careful guidance. Most important was not to feel guilty for enjoying food! Georgia is a great motivator and can't thank her enough for all she has done for me."

- Louise


"Georgia has really helped boost my confidence, not only in the gym, but my self confidence too! She checks in, keeps me motivated and is super enthusiastic every training session! Highly recommend! Would not be feeling this good without her!"

- Nicole

"I would highly recommend Georgia as a PT! She is extremely knowledgable and motivating and her positive energy is great espically early in the morning. We have been working towards my goals and I am definitely seeing progress. overall she has helped me gain confidence in the gym and in myself"

- Hannah

"I have been training with Georgia for several months now and attending her bootcamps twice a week alongside one PT session focusing on building my strength.I find Georgia to be professional, supportive, and motivational. her sessions are tough but really enjoyable. After much persuasion she has finally got me attending the with her for my PT sessions which are always great fun.This time last year I would never have been able to lift the weights I am today without the weekly support from Georgia.Thank you for keeping me going"

- Lisa

"Georgia is extremely professional, I was very happy with our time together. I wasn't new to the gym, but I was new to lifting weights and she was extremely helpful. She has made me a lot more confident to go to the gym on my own and use all of the equipment. She was always very flexible with timings. I can definitely see a difference in myself from when I first started to now, thanks to Georgia"

- Laura

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